Service is at the heart of our mission

The John Carroll School seeks to instill in students a mindset of service and highly encourages direct service to the poor, infirm or homeless. We continually work “to develop in our students, the attitudes, values, knowledge and skills to empower them to accept their obligations as human beings to contribute actively, intelligently and responsibly for a better world as they strive daily to ‘act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with God,' their ultimate end." Philosophy, Paragraph 4

God has a great love for the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized. This thread, woven throughout Scripture, is also emphasized in Catholic social teaching.

Parents should review student report cards each quarter to track service hours. To help manage the requirement, it is recommended that students complete a minimum of 20 hours of service by the end of each year. Students must complete a minimum of 50 hours of service prior to the start of their Senior year in order to receive their Senior class schedule.

Transfer Students

Students who transfer in during their high school career with documented service hours from another school will have those hours posted on their John Carroll service record.

  • Freshman and sophomore transfers must complete 80 hours of service.
  • Junior transfers must complete 60 hours of service.
  • Senior transfers must complete 30 hours of service.
Classes of 2023-2025

The Classes of 2023–2025 have service time modification due to the impact of COVID-19.

55 hours of service are required before graduation, with 35 hours completed by the end of Junior year. If 35 hours are not completed, the Senior schedule will be withheld and the student will not be allowed to attend classes.

Our Service Immersion Trips are opportunities for students to grow deeper in the mission of service to others.

Camden, NJ Service Retreat

Students spend four days and three nights at the Romero Center in Camden, NJ where they participate in the Urban Challenge. The Urban Challenge Program is a service-learning, immersion experience rooted in Catholic Social Teachings. The Urban Challenge Program is a unique educational and retreat opportunity that helps its participants to gain an understanding of urban poverty through the lives and stories of the people of Camden, NJ.

Appalachia Work Camp

Students spend seven days and six nights in Preston County, WV working on different home repair projects throughout the County with other schools and parishes from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. During the day, each student will have a worksite where they complete their home repair project and participate in camp life in the evenings. Every night ends in prayer and Mass will be celebrated once during the week.

Meet the Serving Learning Team

Deacon Ken Goedeke
Director of Mission & Ministry
Kristen Brown
Service-Learning Coordinator